Decrease risk from all causes of death?
Overview & goals
What if you can decrease your all cause of mortality by 5 times? What is this drug that better than any other drug available?
No other drug available on the market can equal the benefit of this drug in a 60% reduction of cardiovascular disease. However, what if this isn’t’ a drug at all?
What about regulating hormones, increase bone density, and increased immune cell mobilization? Also, changes in the way your body looks, reduced inflammation, and other immune function? In combination with immunotherapy, this would also be recommended to aid in fighting cancer and disease.
This drug would be prescribed to every person in the world!
No, we’re not talking about a magic drug. The key component here is exercise. Studies published over the past decade have shown that increase exercise can drastically lower all-cause mortality. There’s not a drug on the planet that can lower the risk of all cause mortality like exercise can.
But how much exercise?