A healthy guide to Alcohol
Health & Alcohol
New research found that out of 38,000 healthy patients between the ages of 20-86 who were active, physically fit men and women were more than twice as likely to become moderate or heavy drinkers compared to out-of-shape/ non-active people. The study shows a relationship between physically fit adults and alcohol, and the link might be due to the reward mechanism in our brain. As men and women perform intense and tough workouts, they often will consume alcohol as a reward for their hard work. Alcohol is a depressant, and alcohol has a brief numbing affect that might appear to be stimulating to fit people due to soreness. More research is required for the link between the two, however, there’s a clear relationship between physical activity and alcohol.
When it comes to alcohol, the research has been slightly conflicting. Some data shows support for alcohol improving cardiovascular function whereas other data shows an increased risk of all cause mortality. A recent evaluation of alcohol consumption shows less than 2 drinks per day for men and 1 for women did not impact health. However, the latest dietary guidelines recommend zero alcohol consumption as alcohol doesn’t provide any health benefits.