Science Based Fitness

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What is Science Based Fitness?

Your free- source of information, news, and deep dive into the latest science in the world or fitness and health. We dive deep into the literature and debunk a lot of fake claims. Also, providing helpful tips and workouts to improve your health and quality of life. 

Lose weight without counting calories

Science Based Fitness

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Lose weight withtout counting calories

Overview & goals

Have you struggled to lose weight and keep it off? If so, then you’re not alone. If fact, millions of people in the United States have fallen victim to weight gain after following a caloric restricted diet.

The problem with caloric restriction is how our bodies adjust to caloric restriction. We consume much less calories and change our diets to healthier foods, but once we get off our diet, then all the weight comes back or more. Without getting into “is a calorie a calorie,” meaning, is a calorie from broccoli the same a calorie from chocolate? In short, the answer is yes and no. In terms of calories, then yes, but its metabolic impact is different. In other words, how our bodies utilize energy and stores energy is very different depending on the rate of breakdown and utilization.

 Before we lose you with the boring science stuff, let’s investigate different weight loss strategies that we could use to lose weight. We have other articles relating to why diets fail, but in short, we know caloric restrictions changes your baseline for how many calories your body utilizes a day. Our bodies will lose weight to accommodate the lower caloric intake until we reach an equilibrium. Once the weight loss to caloric requirements ration is balance, then we experience a plateau.

We could change the foods we eat, but this is more of a lifestyle approach than a temporary diet. If our diet consists of mostly fast foods, then we can switch to whole food sources, which consist of healthy lean meats, fruits, and vegetables primarily with occasional bad meals.

However, over the last decade, more and more studies about intermittent fasting are being published as a method of weight loss and balanced diets.

Why is this significant?

People don’t have to track calories or restrict foods. For the first time, a strategy consists of a way for people to enjoy foods without focusing too much on diet. You might’ve heard about short-term fasting, intermittent fasting, or alternate day fasting, but we’re going to dive into why so many people are having success on this diet.

Time Restrictive Eating

When it comes to fasting, we’ve been taught that it’s not healthy to not eat for a while, but what if short-term fasting prevented against cardiovascular disease and even some cancers? What’s the difference between fasting diets? Intermittent fasting is only eating within a window or timeframe. For example, 11am – 7pm is the time of consumption. Short-term fasting is not eating for 24 hours once a week or everyone other week, or there’s alternate day fasting where you eat less than 500 calories every other day or a few days a week. At Science Based Fitness, we refer to these diets as metabolic flexibility diets since these diets allow for more variance in the foods people consume.

The science

More benefits than just weight loss

When it comes to different variations of fasting, health benefits include more than just weight loss. From the studies we’ve reviewed, benefits include enhance cognition, reduced inflammation, decrease resting heart rate, increase insulin sensitivity, enhanced autophagy, fatty acid mobilization.

Science Based Fitness recommendation: Many of us practice intermittent fasting and short-term fasting for many benefits. We recommend that you consult with your primary care physician and give it a try.

F;, E. S. M. (n.d.). The effects of modified alternate-day fasting diet on weight loss and CAD risk factors in overweight and obese women. Journal of diabetes and metabolic disorders. Retrieved November 22, 2021, from

Anton SD;Moehl K;Donahoo WT;Marosi K;Lee SA;Mainous AG;Leeuwenburgh C;Mattson MP; (n.d.). Flipping the metabolic switch: Understanding and applying the health benefits of fasting. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). Retrieved November 22, 2021, from


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Science Based Fitness

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Decrease risk from all causes of death?

Overview & goals

What if you can decrease your all cause of mortality by 5 times? What is this drug that better than any other drug available?

No other drug available on the market can equal the benefit of this drug in a 60% reduction of cardiovascular disease. However, what if this isn’t’ a drug at all?

What about regulating hormones, increase bone density, and increased immune cell mobilization? Also, changes in the way your body looks, reduced inflammation, and other immune function? In combination with immunotherapy, this would also be recommended to aid in fighting cancer and disease.

This drug would be prescribed to every person in the world!

No, we’re not talking about a magic drug. The key component here is exercise. Studies published over the past decade have shown that increase exercise can drastically lower all-cause mortality. There’s not a drug on the planet that can lower the risk of all cause mortality like exercise can.

But how much exercise?

cardio and vascular health

You might have belonged to a gym or currently do, and you’re at the gym for over an hour a few days a week. Surprisingly, less might be more! Would you benefit more from an hour of physical exercise a few days a week, or less than hour every day? More frequent but less time has been shown to be much more beneficial.

Resistance Training

Metabolic problems can occur due to lack of physical activity, but it may require as much physical activity as you once thought. Daily exercise around 30 minutes is the best for overall health. Too much exercise can lead to a different metabolic affect, which increase hunger hormones. One issue with increased hunger hormones is people will often eat in a caloric surplus, so weight loss limited even with the increased metabolic rate.


Diet and health

When it comes to weight loss and anabolic metabolism, too much physical stress may result in lower energy levels due to process of rebuilding muscle tissue, hypertrophy. People may experience increased energy levels by a daily dosage of 30 minutes of moderate to higher exercise. Diet is the fuel for your exercise goal. 

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How do we burn fat

Science Based Fitness

News and Articles

How do we lose fat?

Nothing Feels As Good As Being Fit Feels

Have you tried different diets, experienced success, but gained the weight back in surplus? We’ve all experienced “yo-yo” dieting where we’ve experienced weight loss, weight gain, and the cycle continues. To find the best diet, we really need to look at what our goal really is.

Do we want to simply lose fat? Maybe we want to increase muscle and burn fat, or maybe we just want to increase muscle and size. Increasing physical activity and diet structure really depends on the vision you have for yourself. Here’s an example, if your goal is to lose weight, then you’ll want to change your dietary habits and physical activity to aid in your goal. A plan for that goal would be smaller portion size, plenty of vegetables and lean proteins, and higher intensity exercise like walking/ running, or light weight and high repetitions workouts.

If you’ve worked with dietary professional, then you might be familiar with the terminology of Macros. In short, macros are fats, protein, and carbohydrates. Dietary professional might structure percentages of macros from calories. For example, calories from fat might be around 20%, and calories from protein might be around 60%.

Macros doesn’t work for everyone because it’s difficult to translate into food. What foods can I eat that fits my macros? Often, it’s difficult to track, so I tell our clients to just eat and track, and we’ll set the results as your baseline.

To meet our fitness goals, we really need to understand how our bodies utilize energy. It might surprise you that most of the energy burned is by simply living. Our bodies take a lot of energy to maintain life, and we refer to this as our Basil Metabolic Rate. (BMR) Our basil metabolic rate is different for everyone, and variables include height, weight, muscle mass, and other factors. A person with larger muscle mass will naturally utilize greater energy to live than a smaller person with less muscle mass.

So, what’s the best diet for me? It’s important to learn your body and understand how your body stores fat, burns fat, builds muscle, etc…  Knowing we all have different BMR’s, what foods work best with our body? Your fitness goal depends on the ability for intuitiveness with us. 


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