Tongkat Ali

Eurycoma longifolia Jack

What is

Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali is a herbal supplement the stems from the shrub tree Eurycoma Longifolia located in Southeast Asia. Used as traditional medicine in Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and other Asian countries to treat malaria, infections, fevers, male infertility and erectile dysfunction. 

Tongkat Ali contains flavonoids, alkaloids, and antioxidants to help protect the body against cellular damage. 

Potential Benefits

You may have heard about how Tongkat Ali can increase testosterone. Other benefits include increased libido, prevent erectile dysfunction and improve male fertility. However, studies were focused on subjects older in age, but taking 200mg of tongkat ali, daily, significantly increased levels to normal ranges. Meaning, older men who experienced low testosterone levels were significantly improved. 

Tongkat Ali may help reduce stress, improve mood and decrease anxiety.

Tongkat Ali may also improve body composition and boost athletic performance due to compounds found in Tongkat like quassiniods including eurycomaoside, eurycolactone, and eurycomanone, which may help boost energy, reduce, fatigue and improve endurance. 

In addition to libido and fertility, Tongkat Ali may also anti-aging benefits as well. The roots of Tongkat Ali has been well documented for it’s medicinal usage such as anti-inflammatory, antimalarial and aphrodisiac activity. Due to it’s eurycolactone containing compounds, Tongkat also has anti-cancer properties. 

E. longifolia is one of the most well-known and secure traditional herbal medicines for the treatment of many cancers, and the advancement of natural-based goods is beneficial. More evidence about its clinical treatment, safety, and efficacy is needed in addition to the lab-based research now provided. For the future population’s health, it is crucial to preserve this excellent therapeutic plant.

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Tambi MI, Imran MK, Henkel RR. Standardised water-soluble extract of Eurycoma longifolia, Tongkat ali, as testosterone booster for managing men with late-onset hypogonadism? Andrologia. 2012 May;44 Suppl 1:226-30. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0272.2011.01168.x. Epub 2011 Jun 15. PMID: 21671978.

Talbott SM, Talbott JA, George A, Pugh M. Effect of Tongkat Ali on stress hormones and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2013 May 26;10(1):28. doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-10-28. PMID: 23705671; PMCID: PMC3669033.

Khanijo T, Jiraungkoorskul W. Review Ergogenic Effect of Long Jack, Eurycoma Longifolia. Pharmacogn Rev. 2016 Jul-Dec;10(20):139-142. doi: 10.4103/0973-7847.194041. PMID: 28082797; PMCID: PMC5214558.

Jothi S, Parumasivam T, Mohtar N. Eurycoma longifolia: an overview on the pharmacological properties for the treatment of common cancer. J Public Health Afr. 2023 Mar 16;14(Suppl 1):2495. doi: 10.4081/jphia.2023.2495. PMID: 37492537; PMCID: PMC10365645.

Subhawa, S.; Arpornchayanon, W.; Jaijoy, K.; Chansakaow, S.; Soonthornchareonnon, N.; Sireeratawong, S. Anti-Inflammatory, Antinociceptive, Antipyretic, and Gastroprotective Effects of Eurycoma longifolia Jack Ethanolic Extract. Life 202313, 1465.